fridge organized


A fridge is one of the most difficult places to keep organized in our perspective. Think about it! All of the food that goes in and out on a daily basis, the leftovers, kids’ snacks, the smells of old foods is coming from! Let’s not even mention the times when we barely have enough time to shove the groceries into whatever space they fit into (however this can be contained when owning a SHARP fridge enhanced with plasma cluster technology) – forget about making it beautiful! Here are my favorite tips for easy fridge organization for your own fridge!


Is fridge organization really worth all of the effort? It’s lovely to see those perfectly organized fridges Instagram, but surely you wonder if it worth all of the work and if it’s actually something that you can maintain! Well, it is and if you can set up a good system, it’s actually quite easy to maintain. Here’s our favorite reasons of why to try fridge organizing:

1- Saves you money (you know what you have, so you won’t over buy)

2- Save you time

3- Less food wastes.

4- No weird smells (rotten forgotten foods)

5- It looks beautiful when you have a system


Having an organized fridge is kind of impossible if you don’t start with a clean slate, so we recommend taking out everything, condiments, fruits and veggies, etc.

This way you’ll have a clearer vision of what you have and how everything will be put back, what containers you may need and what you already have. Wipe out every cm and corner of the fridge, get a glass cleaning rug with hot water to remove any sticky mess without too much scrubbing.

The next step is to check labels of each product for expiry dates and food items that are near expiration.


knowing yourself and how you’ll use your fridge space this way you’ll be more enlightened on how to organize your fridge space. as you can also move shelves to adjust spaces between them, to better organize your containers that may contain (kid’s snacks, juices, veggies and fruits)

You may also add drawer organizers in fridge drawers to better vision of your cheeses, cold meats, etc.

by that time, you may be able to have printed or customized labels to put on your containers.

DRINK ORAGANISATION (soda cans, green tea cans and more) can be tricky for having everything in-line if you’re an organization lover you may find an amazing drink holder in home ware stores or online.


We did talk about the fact that everyone has their own way to best use their fridge, but here’s some tips if you are a starter.

What to put on the shelf, middle or in crisper drawers, usually its preferred to put eggs or glass jars on top shelf to prevent easy access to kids, its mostly common that produce are put in crisp drawers however nowadays it’s not preferred when you have big quantities, its best to separate vegetables and fruits from each other to avoid squishing and smell mixing.

You can buy clear containers add paper towels in the bottom and add each produce for easier access, which will also help you know when to restock.

Group Similar Items Together, its more appealing and easier to monitor, you have a bunch of salad dressings add them together have multi-cheese types add them in a crisp drawer or containers together, fruits add each type in a different container and place them together sides or on top of each other.

So, for a better and easy access invest in good containers, plastic or glass, print labels for each. moreover, use vertical space, this is a very valuable tip that people don’t often take into consideration, there’s a lot of space wasted inside of a fridge for wrong stacking, get a similar sized containers stack similar produce over each other for example, get your berries, grapes or fruit clean and cut if you consume fast put lay paper towels in each container with fruits and stack over each other with labels and continue the same patter for each item.

Maintain an Organized Fridge, CLEAN OUT FRIDGE WEEKLY.

YES Weekly, by cleaning your fridge weekly you’ll be able to maintain several things:

Less Food waste: you’ll know what food needs to be restocked, you don’t buy new stuff and add them Infront of old and forget about old food and it doesn’t get eaten then thrown away

It’s Faster: when you clean it regularly its faster to finish up when you do it weekly, and it doesnt gross up inside (rotten foods, expired items, smells)

It Rarely Smells: when cleaned up regularly, there will be no smells caused by leftover foods forgotten or rotten fruit.

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