
Technology enhanced appliances. Does your Fridge have that! Leave a comment


All refrigerators have their own sanitizing systems, mostly all use specific materials to filter air inside fridge like charcoal or wood panels. And now a days they also use atoms.
High end refrigerators use negative atoms which weakens bacteria and germs that causes smells inside a refrigerator But Sharp has developed an exclusive high-tech technology the Plasmacluster, positive and negative ions made from the same type of ions formed in nature!

in this article you will learn the how’s and what’s of this technology the plasma cluster, what’s is it and why is it important and beneficial, how it works and its mechanism.

How are plasmacluster ions are generated?
Plasma Discharge:

Sharp has come up with the idea to ionize water and oxygen by using plasma discharge to give water a positive charge and oxygen a negative charge. In which voltage is applied to the discharge electrode, positive hydrogen ions and negative oxygen ions are generated from the water and oxygen in the air.

Cluster Ions

plasma, ion, technology

Positive hydrogen ion and negative oxygen ion attract water molecules in the air which forms a stable cluster ions.

What is a Cluster?


The positive and negative ions bond on the surface of airborne viruses, bacteria and other substances with their strong power of oxidizing they extract hydrogen of other molecules surfaces killing it and form water returned to the air.

The benefits of the whole process.

– Suppresses the activity of airborne viruses and bacteria
– Suppress the effect of airborne allergens such as dust
– Suppress the proliferation of adhering mold
– Suppress activity of adhering viruses
– Purifies air
– The turning of molecules to water keeps vegetables fresh and not dry
– Breakdown and eliminates smell and odor
– Reduces static electricity
Beautifies skin ( with plasma technology air stays humid which help prevent skin dryness from air and keeps moist)

To Sum Up
Plasma Cluster Exclusive technology Can be found in many SHARP products.


Plasmacluster Ions are similar to positive and negative ions found in nature. The ions are surrounded by water molecules and are released into the air by air purifier, or air conditioner or inside of a fridge , The ions from hydroxide (OH) radicals are highly oxidizing when they come up to the surfaces of airborne microbes, such as suspended allergens, bacteria, mold and viruses found in the surrounding when you simply come back home or driven in by pets . They remove hydrogen from the surface proteins, breaking them down.
The hydroxide radicals combine with hydrogen to form water (H20) which is returned to the air. and maintain your safety and hydrated environment.
Now that is called high end technology!


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