
How to maintain you gas stove. 2 minutes trick! Leave a comment


In concept your kitchen will always be busy sometimes messy, and here is some advice on how to maintain your stove for a longer periods by cleaning tips to keep your gas stove functioning as needed, flames are high as wanted and you appliance looking good as new in your kitchen.
Choosing your cleaning liquids, to maintain your gas stove.
Many people are mostly used to scrubbing stove tops as hard as they can to clean it from fat stains and burned liquids by soap and water which might harm your stove top specially if its white color.
Instead, wait for your stove burners to cool off completely, if you want to use soap and water try adding a dash of lemon which can work wonders.
Or if there is more stubborn stains add some stain or oily remover like jeff or other stove designed cleaners then scrub with soap.

How Many Often Should You Clean Your Gas stove?

Daily light cleaning can serve you by saving time when deep cleaning and makes the job easier.
it’s better to clean your stove after daily use, give your gas stove a quick wipe with all purpose cleaners simply found in your supermarket , remove any food stains or splatters with a damp cloth by doing this daily it will save you grease layers after a while.

A gas stove is featured of 4 parts on top that need to be cleaned.
raise and remove removable parts that the cookware sits on.
Burner Caps:  The removable round disks that sit directly over the flame (black).
Burner Head: The metal piece found under the burner cap.
Stove Surface: The area that covers everything.

Steps to Cleaning you Gas Stove!
Before Cleaning make sure that everything in stove is turned off and cooled off.

Firstly, remove the grates and burner caps off your stove top and place them in your kitchen sink. fill the sink with warm, soapy water and let the stovetop components soak for a while to soften any stubborn stains or burnet food remains before scrubbing.

Step 2: Make your Paste


its simple and easy just combine a tablespoon of vinegar with 2 tablespoons of baking soda with a sprinkle of dish soap.
and use to scrub with a soft sponge or toothbrush to clean caps and grates. use a plastic scraper to remove any stubborn pieces on the top and scrum with paste. make sure not use any sharp objects or abrasive sponges to avoided scratching your stove top.
Note: you can add grates and caps in the dishwasher if needed, just make sure to check your cookers instruction manual first to stay on the safe side.

Cleaning Gas Knobs

Gas knobs are the most touched part of the stove, reducing or increasing flames or setting timer, while cooking where our hands may be dirty sometimes wet or even oil splashed while doing so through the process. so always make sure to clean your knobs and wipe them well to prevent greased looking knobs that if it builds up your knob may not work well after a while its not just the looks of it.

Cleaning Gas top Surface

To clean the top surface, use a damp cloth; for stubborn grime, apply the same vinegar-baking soda paste recommended earlier.
Then use a degreaser  to address tough grease stains.
After the surface has been cleaned to your satisfaction, use a fresh cloth to dry it.
when your done dry off any excess watery surface with a dry cloth and reassemble parts.

Deep Clean the inside of your oven.

Using the same magical paste (baking soda and vinegar), stomp the paste on stubborn burnt stains, spray the insides with vinegar and dust it with baking soda minding the flamers and fan.
put an over safe bowl with vinegar and turn on the over on 100c for 45 minutes and wipe off all the stains and grease easily after its cooled off. the last step is not necessary if your stains are easy to remove after adding paste. easy view.
some ovens have a removable glass off the door check your instruction manual on how to remove to clean and reassemble. cause if glass is removable the gap in between glass can be discolored or get filthy from steam while cooking which cannot just be cleaned on one side.

available Stoves and cookers

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